Happy Birthday Chanelle

Today is my wife’s 24th Birthday.  So, the day is going to be spent out and about doing what she wants to do.  Which will include heading to Bluffton and the SAV.  One of the highlights will be dinner at Olive Garden pretty much the only place she loves.  If you are on twitter why not shoot Chanelle a happy birthday by clicking @tallmagewife.  Or just leave a BDay wish by leaving a comment on this post.

What do you remember about your 24th Birthday?  Was it memorable?  How did you celebrate?

Defining Moment

Everyone has a defining moment in their life. It may come through pain, joy, or in some other form. It is a moment that causes you to think about where you are going and what you are doing.

My moment came in late 2008. It wasn’t a loud audible voice but deep down I knew it would change the course of my life as I knew it. It would cause me to evaluate where I was at in life and what I wanted to become. As I read that David was a man after God’s heart I knew what God was asking of me. To live my life in passionate pursuit of Him. While I have spent the better part of a year seeking what that may look like I still don’t know the details, but one thing I do know, “I must live a Life Of Pursuit.” The pursuit of knowing Him and making Him Known. The pursuit of dying to myself and living for Christ. The pursuit to help others in their journey to be all that they can be for God. Let’s be honest, the pursuit doesn’t offer great riches, a prominent name, or even a life free of pain or heartache. What it offers is much more.

The life of pursuit has taught me to be greatful of what I have, all my needs are supplied for. Who I am rest in the fact of who God is and who he is molding me to be. When pain or heartache come I have a place I can go that speaks comfort and calmness to any situation.

My defining moment came when I felt I was being called to simply live out the pursuit. That is what I want my life to speak my personal mantra if you will. A Life Of Pursuit.

What moment has defined you the most? Where are you know because of that moment? How has that defining moment changed you the most? Do you have a personal mantra for your life? If so, share it?

Nobody Likes A Fake

The best thing you can do for yourself and other is to Just Be You. No matter if it is in person or through your writings online or in print. Nobody Likes A Fake.

From my time online I have noticed a trend. I may be wrong, and this may be nothing more than a rant, but it is easy to get blog hits when you are blogging what everyone else is blogging. A lot of people are tweeting and blogging the same thing. For instance I read a tweet that gave a link to a post that was well informative and by reading and watching the video I was moved. I retweeted the link in order to get the word out. However, I noticed over time a number of individuals were writing individual posts on the same topic using the same video’s and then pushing their own site out there. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it just made me think about my own blog and what I write.

Why not just ReTweet the original link and leave your thoughts on the original post to create and engage in conversation on the original authors blog. Wouldn’t that create community online? Or is your purpose to get people to just hear you, instead of promoting others? Just a personal thought.

If you look through my blog, Life Of Pursuit, you will most likely find that I have done the same thing in the past and of that I stand guilty. But, in my defense I have made a change. As I began to think and ponder more and more about my blog and online community, I want to be known for originality and what God is doing in my life in order to strengthen others in their daily pursuit. If there is something on another site or blog I don’t want to re-write what has already been posted. I want to give credit and direct your attention to the original place I gained insight.

I guess what I am trying to say is, don’t be fake, Be Original. Give credit where credit is due and build community by your originality and passion, not by getting blog hits from someone elses passion.

What are your thoughts, do you agree or disagree or am I missing something? What are some tips that you can give to create online community and just be yourself? Is your blog original or are the majority of your posts what everyone else is talking about?

Dealing With Anxiety

I wanted to share with you one of the thoughts that I brought out in the message this past Sunday, February 21, 2010 at Beaufort Church of God.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Anxiety has a way of slipping in our lives causing you to wonder and doubt why you are here, and will stop you from accomplishing your full potential.  Living with anxiety is not Gods will for your life.  One of the sure ways to never get over anxiety is to fail to turn to God.  You cannot get over it on your own.  Sometimes other people can add to the anxiety by the focusing on the WHAT IF instead of the GOD CAN.

Anxiety can be caused by circumstances from within or outward circumstances that have a way of creeping into your life.  No matter the cause of your anxiety, there is a cure.  We must bring all of our care to God.  By prayer, petetion, and thanksgiving we are to make our request known to God.  When that is done His peace, which goes beyond all our understanding and limitations, will guard our hearts and minds to get beyond the anxiety and walk in a way that fulfills his purpose instead of being trapped by our anxiety.  It is also a testimony to others of His perfect peace over our lives.

How has anxiety taken its toll on your Life of Pursuit?  Is your heart and mind clouded by circumstances or issues that you feel like you can’t control?  What would you like to add to this post that will benefit others in their Life of Pursuit?

Be Instant

This morning I had the opportunity to speak at our Morning Worship Experience at Beaufort Chuch of God.  I recieved a call this morning asking if I would fill in due to our Pastor being ill.  Talk about scrambling, well not really.  A couple of weeks ago I began looking at a particular scripture that really resonated with me and I didn’t give second thougth as to what I felt God would want said. 

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.  9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. – [Philippians 4: 4-9 NIV]

There are a couple things that stood out to me, our society and culture due to all of the pressure has tremendous anxiety and really lack bringing out the best in others.  The fact that we are unhappy with ourselves lead us to bring out imperfections in others.  We are called to give our anxiety over to God, and to focus our thought process onto those things that are excellent or praiseworthy.  Its easy to pick out those things in others that need to be changed but what about those things the other person is doing well.  Lets focus on those qualities.

How does this verse effect you in your pursuit?  Are there instances where you tend to allow anxiety to get the best of you, what do you need to give over to God?  What advice would you give on “thinking” on the positive things within others?

A Closed Door

As you may already know Chanelle and I weren’t selected to go on staff for the Youth Pastor position we interviewed for a couple of weeks ago. As excited as we were about the possibility of going, I firmly believe that another door and oppurtunity will open up. God is laying out the path where His purpose and plan will be accomplished in our lives and in the lives of the people we will serve. I am fully determined that he has the place set where we are the right fit and we can invest in the lives of students and youth leaders.

I have taken away a few things that I hope will help you in your pursuit.

God’s will is more important than my wants.

Where one door closes another one will open.

Through this process, it has helped to solidify in our hearts and minds God’s call on our lives.

We are to celebrate the success of others.

Has there been a time in your life where a door was shut that you were excited about? What lessons did you learn and how did it advance your Life of Pursuit? Would you add anything else to this list?

Go For It

There is a difference in looking at the goal, and going for the goal. Don’t just look, GO FOR IT.

No one has ever obtained by simply looking. It takes action to do anything of significance and worth. The Life of Pursuit is defined by action not wishful thinking. I am not disqualifying the importance of planning only bringing to light the fact that there is a time to put the pens down and MOVE. Would you want a teammate that stands at a distance waiting for the goal to come to them once the ball is handed off. The goal is stationary, it is not coming to you, you have to GO FOR IT.

I feel that principal is the same when it comes to our Pursuit. God, in a sense, has handed us the ball. He wants us to go for the goal and not only look in wishful thinking. He wants us to GO FOR IT.

Philippians 3:14 [NIV] | 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Do you agree? In what way have you been looking at the goal when you should be GOING FOR IT? What else would you add? I would love your feedback?

Is The Church Really Making A Difference In Haiti

Took this quote from an artical in Saturday’s paper.

“The earthquake scared me,” said Veronique Malot, a 24-year-old who joined an evangelical church two weeks ago when she found herself living in a tent camp. “Voodoo has been in my family but the government isn’t helping us. The only people giving aid are the Christian churches.” [Quake Kindles Religious Divide In Haiti | Saturday, February 13, 2010 | Island Packet | Page 14A]

Do you think the Church making a difference?  How does this make you feel and how does it inspire you to help out?

Yvonne's Story

I am starting something new.  This is the first post in the category, Their Story-Your Story.  I come across some great people from time to time with incredible stories.  The history of how they arrived, what they have overcome, and what they have seen, needs a voice.  This is my attempt to get their story out.  To be honest everyone has a story, do you care enough to listen?  Insert Yvonne’s Story…

Dafuskie is an Island a few miles from Hilton Head, SC pretty much made up of tourists.  The only way there and back is by boat.  I have lived in Beaufort all my life and have never made the trip to Dafuskie until I started working with school maintenance.  There is an elementary school (with a staff of 4 and less than a dozen of students) on Dafuskie and I have been there a couple of times to check out some issues that come up.  When we arrive on Dafuskie the  school has to send up a staff member and car to pick us up from the boat dock.  Yvonne is one of the 4 staff and she picked us up today.  She works  as the only kitchen attendant and also as the custodian.  Today on the way from the dock to the school I found out some interesting history on Yvonne and her family and wanted to share that with you.

Yvonne’s family (great-great grandmother) came to Dafuskie via slave trade.  They gained their freedom while on Dafuskie and settled down.  Yvonne is the fifth generation of her family born on Dafuskie.  The renovations that she alone has seen is astounding.  Not to mention the history her family line has on the island.  At 57 now, she talked of a time when their were no paved roads, and the only way from one end of the island to the other was by foot or horse on a dirt road.  She talked of the school she attended on the island, which is now a historical landmark, the Mary Fields School House.  On that small island alone is a rich set of history that Yvonne is a part of.  She is more than a tourist that has settled down on the island because they have the money to do so.  She see’s it more than just a prime piece of real estate.  She see’s it for more than a few great golf courses.  It is part of her legacy, a place she calls home and hopes to pass her piece of legacy down to her kids.  Her story is rich, and intriguing, yet sobering due to how much can change in 57 years.  So if you ever get a chance to travel to Dafuskie you will have to look her up and hear her story for yourself.

What about you, have you shared your story?  How did you get here?  Where are you going?  Who led the way for you?  Share YOUR Story!

What A Day

Just wanted to sum up my day before I call it a night.  Chanelle and I had a blast being with Greater Life Ministries this morning.  They have a great work going on and are passionate about reaching their community.  It was a privilage being able to interview for the Youth Pastor position.  The leadership of the council and staff is pretty incredible.  The student ministry seems like a well knitted community of students and really on fire with a passion to reach their peers.  Thanks for your prayers and please keep the council and church lifted in prayer as they make their final decision later this week.

***UPDATE 02/18/2010 :: The council made a unanimous decision to hire one of the other applicants.  I recieved word today via email thanking us for the time we took to interview and offered up prayers for what the future holds for us. What a great opportunity for the Church and also for the hired applicant. Chanelle and I are celebrating with the Chuch and also the applicant.  We are now back at the applying stage and cant wait to see what God has ready for us and where he is going to open a door.