Weekly Reminder for NACOG Goers, Wed. June 26, 2013

20130625-170742.jpgIt’s Wednesday and I am going to try something new here on my Blog. If you attend or are new to North Aiken Church of God (to be referred to as “NACOG Goers” from here on out) this is going to be a midweek post that will keep you informed with what’s upcoming at the Church. It will also give you a chance to tweet it or share it on your timeline or through whichever social networking tool you use. I will do my best to keep it short and to the point. Don’t forget our Midweek Worship Service tonight at 7:00PM. Visit the NACOG Website for detailed contact info and directions.

Church Work Day this Saturday June 29, 2013; 9:00AM – 12:00PM – There a few items we want to spend some time taking care of on the exterior of the Church building. There will be a light breakfast beginning at 8:00AM with a devotion just prior to starting the work day.

Missions Service this Sunday June 30, 2013 – We are grateful to have guest Missionary Richard Murphy and is wife Elizabeth with us during our 11:00AM worship service. Come prepared to worship and invite someone to join you as we hear about the work they are doing throughout Ecuador. Also, we will be taking up a special missions offering in order to assist them financially as Bro. Murphy gets ready to go back to Ecuador. There will be no kids church this Sunday. All students in k5 and up will be joining their parents in worship in order to hear from the missionaries.

Nursery and PreSchool Age Worker Needed this Sunday – If you are interested please contact me (Pastor George) and let me know what age group you are willing to help with during the missions service on Sunday Morning.

Senior Camp is underway in Mauldin. The students will be returning Friday so if you have a child who went with us please make sure to plan on picking them up at the Church by 12:30PM on Friday.

Junior Camp (ages 12-14) Starts Monday – If your child has already registered for Camp in Mauldin we need a count of how many are going in order to ensure we have proper transportation. Please be sure to have them at the Church no later than 10:30AM on Monday so that we are able to leave by 10:45.

Stop Trying to Be Great, Be Consistent

You don’t have to be great, but you do have to be consistent.

I want to be be great and I often feel the need to throw myself a “pity party for one” when I realize I am not great in a particular area. To be honest I am learning day by day that it’s not necessarily a moment that makes us great but consistency.

For example…

  • A great husband isn’t measured by saying I do, but by consistently fulfilling his responsibilities as a husband on a day to day basis.
  • Being a great father isn’t just being at the birth of his children, but by consistently fulfilling his responsibilities as a father on a day to day basis.
  • To encourage you to be consistent, let me remind you…

    David became consistent with a stone and a slingshot before he ever became great in the eyes of a nation.

    Not matter what your context, being great is accomplished by being consistent. So as I write this and am working on things in my life to be more consistent in, I hope you are encouraged to keep pressing forward.

    Don’t focus on being great, focus on being consistent.

    Thanks for reading, I value your feedback. Please take a moment to leave a comment below. If this post has encouraged you and you feel others may grow in their walk with Christ please take a moment to share it on the social network site of your choice.

    Also, take a moment to read a great post that I read this morning which encouraged me and was the basis for this post. Thanks to Pastor David Kemp for his leadership and ministry. It’s titled Choose Greatness and as I began reflecting on that statement I began to realize that my choice of greatness begins with consistency.

    Help, My Pastor Preaches too Long #OurCOG

    Have you ever sat through a movie that seemed like it wouldn’t end. Maybe it was a class where after a certain period of time it seemed like you checked out. I am sure that if your a Pastor you imagine each person sitting through your sermon never wanting it to end because it is so engaging and life changing. If I can be so blunt, as a Pastor I feel like I spend too much time on each message. I am sure that many of those who are listening to us feel the same way.

    I am looking for some feedback…

  • As a Pastor when your in the congregation listening to another speaker, how long do you want them to speak?
  • As a Pastor how long do you normally spend delivering your message, do you think those your preaching to wishes you would shorten it up a bit?
  • As a church attendee if you could be open an honest with your Pastor, what would be the ideal time for this Sunday’s sermon?
  • As an attendee, how long does your Pastor normally spend on his message, is it too long?
  • Please take a moment to leave your thoughts in the comments. I look forward to reading your responses.