I'm Offically A Licensed Minister [Video]

Here is the video that was taken this past Sunday, March 14, 2010 of me receiving my ministerial credentials.  I was nervous, holding back the tears, and completely humbled to join the ranks as a licensed minister. Unfortunately when I edited the video I added the wrong date at the beginning and didn’t catch it until I uploaded it.  It should have been March 14, 2010 NOT February 21, 2010…Ooops.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I Don't Mind Loosing An Hour

It comes around once a year. We loose and hour of sleep.  Some complain, and cant stand the thought of moving the clocks ahead an hour.  Me on the other hand, I don’t mind it.  It’s not really a loss, I see it as a gain.  I may loose an hour of sleep but I get to gain an hour of daylight and will be able to enjoy it with my kids in the evening outside during the week.  You see, it does have its perks.  By the way, if we would have used the hour we gained about 4mo ago wisely, we would have no problem loosing the hour now.  Take a moment and think about all the ways you will be able to invest in your kids during the week now that you have that extra hour of daylight. 

…An hour of sleep lost now, is the chance to make a ton of memories tomorrow.

Licensed Minister

This morning I am being presented with and Exhorters License through our denomination. Five years ago I took it upon myself to step down from a full-time Youth Pastor’s position due to moral failure that I felt was unbecoming of me leading in that position. As a result of my sin, I also had to surrender my ministerial credintials and turn them back into our denomination. It has been five years almost to the day. Through the past five years, I have grown in many ways and also had many set backs. The set backs and hurt has helped me to grow in a way that I never would have had I not been honest with myself, my relationship with God, and done the right thing.

This is pretty exciting day to say the least. Its never to late to do what God is leading you to do. His call is without repentence.

Recording Thoughts, My Problem With Keeping A Journal

Journaling is a great thing to get in the habit of doing. Journaling can be for everyone. It is a place where in no doubt you can just be yourself. You write for you. Whatever is going on in your head and life at the moment. For most, what is written down in peoples journals we don’t want anyone to ever read. Having a journal is a way to record your journey and can give awesome feedback if you go back and read through it from time to time. I have a problem with journaling.

I have a journal that I received over 5 years ago and haven’t even written enough to fill it up. I get distracted when writing and have a loss of thoughts when I begin jotting down notes. I want to be regular because one day I would like to pass my handwritten thoughts to my children. I want it to be able to help them in their life to know some of the deepest struggles that I have faced and how God has helped me overcome them. I want them to be able to reflect on times that I have seen as monumental. But I won’t have that to pass on if I don’t write.

What are some guiding points that have helped you in your journaling? What is the process you use and how has it benefitted your pursuit? How can I develop a better journaling process?

Sunday Recap : The History of the Bible

Yesterday we took the day and visited with our Tidal Creek Fellowship family. They started a new series called TXT and the first message in the series was the History of the Bible. I personally felt it was a home run. David did a great job outlining the first recording of scripture from the 10 commandments to how the written word made it to our hands.

Sometimes we can get caught up in how our particular Church or Denomination made it to where we are while forgetting where we, as THE CHURCH, came from. It reignited a passion for God’s word seeing the list of reformers that gave their life just so the Word of God could get to us. People like the John Wyclifs, Martin Luthers, and a host of other reformers that paid the ultimate price to see the word of God get to everyday people.

Some of the thoughts that ran through my mind are, “what if the Bible was illegal to be carried or distributed in our country. What if only one religious group, particular denomination, or church had possesion of the Word. What if it was my life, or the Bible.” Would I still defend its truth and authenticity if it meant my life. It was a gut check for me and a reminder that we have a living, active, and life changing message within our possesion that others need to hear. It also gave me a renewed respect and reverence for the Word of God.

When the website is updated you will be able to listen to it online. Just click The History of the Bible to be redirected. It is well worth 35-40 minutes of your time if you want to know more about the history of the Bible.

What did you get out of this weeks message where you were? How did it make you think differently than you did before hearing the message? What ways have you begun to apply the message to your life this week?


My lunch time is a non-negotiable for me. I get a thirty minute lunch break in my day and I normally eat real quick then see what is going on in the twitterverse and maybe jot down some notes, or a blog post of some of the stuff rolling around in my head. This is one of those posts.

As I was eating I looked down at my I’d Badge that my company provided for me. Mine is a bit different than everyone elses, simply because I have a huge grin on my face. Matter of fact, my drivers license is the same. Most peoples I’d Badge or License is nothing more than the looks of a mug shot. There frowning and you can tell they would rather be somewhere else other than behind the camera.

You could say I like camera’s. I mean I don’t mind them, if you wanna take my picture sure, I am up for that. And,you can bet I am smiling. Why do I smile for the badge pic or license you may ask. Well, it is quite simple, I am a pretty up beat guy. I love life and I want you to not only see that in person but also from my badge. I want you to know I love life.

On a second note, maybe the individual looking at my badge or license missed the smile on my face in front of them and they need one. They will see that dorky, loving life grin and it just may bring a smile to their face. Not to mention, it is a great conversation starter when asked, “why in the world are you smiling in that pic.”. It gives me a chance to let them know the real reason I have something to smile about. God loves me, Jesus saved me, I love life, therefore iSMILE!

Do you smile in those type of pics or do you have one of those mug shot looks? What would people say about your outlook on life if they only saw the pic on your license?

It May Be Out Of The Way, But Its Still In The Plan

I follow @acts29 on twitter. Here is a tweet that made me think about my circumstance and situations that I am surrounded with at times. I can either make the most of them or just exist and fail to make a difference.

As we strive in ministry, enjoy the journey. It is those moments that we pass “through Samaria” that lives are changed. – via @acts29

What comes to your mind when you read that quote? Can you relate, and how has God changed lives because of a Samaria moment? How has your life changed as a result?