
Life is really busy right now. I find myself wishing for just a few more hours in the day, mostly wanting to use it for sleep. With work, filling in with the preaching responsibilities at Hardeeville, and add MIP in the mix there is not much time left for anything else. Alot of little things that I would like to be doing are fallng through the cracks. Some of the things I actually need to be doing. One of the good things about this season, I am being made aware of the importance of proper planning/scheduling. Which, is something I am not good at but it is a discipline I am having to develop in order to stay on top of everything I have to do.

What season of life do you seem to be in right now and how is this season stretching you in ways you are not use to? What new disciplines are you having to develop or implement?

Labor Day Thinking Spot

We are in Tennesee this weekend for Labor Day and are staying at Welcome Valley Village. It is located right along the Ocoee River not too far from Cleveland Tennessee. Found this great reflecting spot that I hope to utilize the next three mornings for some journaling.

How are you spending your Labor Day Weekend?