
One of the things that I love about our church is its focus on communion. Growing up in the church most of my life I have seen many different ways to the sacrament of communion, but with our move to Tidal Creek Fellowship it brought personal implication to my life. Each time as I go through the process of breaking off the bread, the individual holding the loaf says, “this is Christ’s body broken for you” I then take the part that I have broken off and dip it into the Juice that is in a cup held by another person and they say. “This is Christ blood, shed for you.”

I break the bread, and then dip it in the juice. I can’t explain what it does to me. I am thankful of the sacrifice that God has made and each time I take part in communion I am floored. I am glad that I am able to take part but WOW….his body broken, his blood shed, for me.

How does your church celebrate communion and what implications does it have in your life? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Remember as we celebrate Easter Sunday next weekend don’t forget to sit back and reflect on what Christ did for you.